The Stoic Shortcut: Embracing Virtues for Profound Personal Growth

virtue Sep 21, 2023

Personal growth is often seen as a journey filled with milestones – setting goals, acquiring new skills, and overcoming challenges. For modern leaders, the process of personal transformation can seem overwhelming at times.

Yet, what if a map existed that led straight to a hidden shortcut?

Enter the Stoics, possibly history's most astute collective of thinkers. Here’s their distilled wisdom for us: if you want to thrive, focus on amplifying the best parts of yourself – your virtues.

Let's explore the enduring brilliance of this counsel and its relevance in our lives today.

Your character is like your signature – distinct and defining. Not a gift from your ancestors, nor a code in your DNA. Think of it as a canvas. Each choice you make paints a stroke. Staying calm during a crisis, aiding a stranger, standing up for what's right – each small action adds a little more color and detail.

Like any good artist, if you know what the portrait is supposed to look like you’ll have a much better chance of creating a great work that stands the test of time. The Stoics suggested that the blueprint for this masterpiece lies in your virtues.

Far from being archaic philosophical musings, virtues are the heartbeat of our character. Recognizing your personal virtues is like having a compass – it steers you, accelerates your growth, and helps you become your best self. 

So, how can you unearth your virtues?

  1. Read & Research: Find a list of values and give yourself time to look at all the different traits that embody a person’s character. As you read each one, you'll notice that some qualities stand out more than others. Note them down.
  2. Self-Reflect: Spend quiet moments understanding what virtues resonate most highly for you. Maybe 'integrity' stands tall for you, or perhaps 'compassion' shines brightest. Delve deep and ask yourself why certain virtues strike a personal chord.
  3. Seek Feedback: Engage with friends or mentors. Understand how they perceive your virtues and where you can further strengthen them.
  4. Take a Quiz: Short on time? Take our personality Assessment and get immediate clarity on your cornerstone virtues. 
  5. Continuous Learning: Read about historical or present figures who exemplify virtues that interest you. Understand how these figures incorporated such traits into their lives.

It can be challenging to increase your awareness of your qualities, but once you do, you'll know where to concentrate your efforts on self-improvement. The second order effects of this effort? Your character will radically change as a result, giving you the chance to acquire the traits you require to be a truly exceptional leader.

Take Christopher*, a tech magnate grappling with juggling the demands of work with cherished family moments. Guided by a virtuous lens, he was led to introspect, and realized that commitment to his family wasn't just a need, it was a virtue: loyalty.

Empowered with this understanding, he focused on incorporating strategies on maintaining loyalty and setting boundaries, Christopher learned to prioritize, ensuring harmony between work and home considerations. He hasn’t looked back.

 Avanti Client Experience: “Since joining Avanti, I've not only achieved my professional goals but found a deeper understanding of my values. The virtuous approach resonated deeply, bringing calm to my tech-driven world." - Christopher, Tech Entrepreneur

*Name changed to protect privacy.

By shining a light on your own virtues, you have a map that leads to deep personal change and powerful leadership. The Stoics understood that simply conquering life's challenges was futile if such endeavours did not lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. Armed with your virtues, every challenge becomes a method to shape you into something greater and leadership becomes an enlightening journey of self-discovery.

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